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You've got to live the life you love. You've got to love the life you live.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

All Because Two People Fell In Love

Today is my parents 38th wedding anniversary.
I guess you know you've been married a long time when you both forget its your anniversary! My mom only realized it when she was in the middle of teaching her pre-kindergarten summer class and they were putting up the date on the board.
And I guess you know we've been married REALLY long when you don't spend any time together and are totally fine with it. My dad got home from work and had to leave again to go to the farm. My parents are wonderful people who have raised wonderful children. I am SO blessed to be a part of it. I can only hope my marriage will have become what theirs in now when I celebrate -or in their case NOT celebrate my own 38th wedding anniversary.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Well, I've finally spilled the beans!
This is how I "spilled the beans" to my family the day after I got back to Utah. If family wasn't able to come over to actually see it, I just sent them a text.
It was kinda funny cause nobody was really surprised -of course they are excited but not very surprised. Once my dad saw me he said could tell I was pregnant. He was going to ask me but thought he wouldn't steal my thunder.
Nathan and I are super excited. We're going to get a wonderful early Christmas present. I'm really excited for Nate to be a daddy, he is going to be great. He is always so cute with all my nieces and nephews, and they all love him cause he plays with them. Hopefully he'll have enough energy with his new job to play with our kids.
Speaking of Nate's new job -HE PASSED HIS TEST! He took his final evaluation yesterday and did well. I had a nightmare the night before he took it that he didn't pass and got fired. I was reluctant to tell him but i just waited til after he passed.
So we have nothing but good news. Life is good.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Utah here I come!

I'm heading back to Utah in two days and I'm getting nervous for my plane ride. It will only be my third time flying and I'm going all by my-self! I have no idea what to do. I just know I'm going to get lost! I stop in Denver and switch planes which makes me more nervous, I don't want to miss my flight and be stuck at the Denver air port.
I am so super excited to go back to Utah. I'll get to see my family and friends and finally feel like I'm home. At the top of my "to do" list is to find an apartment, I'll have two and a half weeks before Nate gets there. Then, once I find a place -and depending on where that is, I need to find a job.
So our time here in Oklahoma is coming to an end and we're excited. Nate takes his BIG test/evaluation on the 16th (its the test if you don't pass you're fired) so he's getting a little nervous, but I know he'll do great. -At least I hope he does; he said if he doesn't pass he's running away to Mexico! Ha ha

May 24, 2008

May 24, 2008