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You've got to live the life you love. You've got to love the life you live.


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sheep Wrestling, Muffins, and My Boys

This past summer my dad and little sister breed all their sheep; so this winter all their ewe's had their baby lambs. Yesterday they banded off all the tails and either tagged the females or castrated the males.
My dad "hired" some of my nieces and nephews to help. Here are a few videos of what went down. I LOVED watching the kids, and I think they had a lot of fun. Some of the lambs were riled up and a little hard to handle -it was pretty funny.

These muffins are DE-LISH! I LOVE them, and could probably live off of them. They are french toast muffins. I know, kinda doesn't sound that good, I thought the same thing. But then I tried one and was pleasantly surprised. I got them from Costco, so if you have the chance to try them you really should!

My baby has red hair!!! Yay!!

Its looking more red lately, and I love it! Isn't he so cute with his little pouty face. (he gets it from me)

My two favorite boys in the whole world!

I love to just watch Nate interact with Gavin. He is such a good daddy. I know they are going to be good buds forever.


  1. Okay so the last half of your post was so super cute, but girl, that first half...i think I'm gonna barf. That whole ordeal is nutty to me, i cant believe people actually touch sheep, much less cut things off of them, gag. :) your baby is such a cutie though!!

  2. I love that last pic!! So cute!

    You're a blogging maniac!! I love it!

  3. Brooke your little family is so freakin cute! I am so glad that everything is going so well for you! And I also wish I could be as good at updating my blog as you! :)

  4. Hi guys ... just wanted to say hi and tell you your little man is precious! I love this last pic of him and Daddy. :) I have two girls with DS ... one biological, one adopted. :)


May 24, 2008

May 24, 2008