Just a quick update. We're doing pretty good. This passed weekend we took a road trip up to O'Fallon to visit Nathans side. It was really nice to be with family, I was getting really lonely. I wish we could go back to stay. There's lots of love and company, which is somewhat limited with just Nathan and I.
This week has been pretty crazy with Nathan's night class rotation and me starting work. We hardly get to see each other at all, just to say goodbye as I leave for work; our schedules are the complete opposite! It makes me dislike our whole situation even more. I feel another melt down creeping up on me. I don't know why, but I've been more home sick then I've ever been.
Brooke! Don't be homesick! Just think of how awesome it will be when Nater is done with training and you're back in UT! ya yah! I miss your face!