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You've got to live the life you love. You've got to love the life you live.


Saturday, March 29, 2014


Well lets see if i can remember how this works...

I don't really know why I decided to write a post -I'll say its for Grandma Fay- no, but really I guess I wanted to document our life somehow (other than FB and instagram) and this is the best way to include both my thoughts and pictures. With that said, if you know me well at all, you know that I am a girl of few words, so.... pretty much this will be a post of pictures. I'll try to post some highlights of our year that haven't been posted on FB. 
Lets start with 2012
Gavin and Jackson got all big and stuff. Why does time have to go by so fast? They seriously were just this little yesterday, could two years really have past? Holy smokes!!

We took a trip to Florida. We went to Disney World and played at the beach. Super fun! (I feel like we're missing a zillion pictures from this trip. What the heck!)

Nathan played some softball and ran the Tough Mudder.

We added a back patio with an awesome awning (thanks to Utah Awnings).

We Celebrated holidays...

Had birthdays...

And started preschool...

We all had a great year. It flew by way to fast.

1 comment:

May 24, 2008

May 24, 2008