Santa brought Gavin this fun race car toy. Gavin didn't quite understand how it worked until a while ago. Before he would try and sit on it. Now he plays with it a ton. He even puts blocks and the remote down the ramp and watches them go around and around.
This is how Gavin ends up at meal times A LOT. It makes me laugh at how one moment he'll be running around like a crazy person and the next he's dead asleep. This particular time he fell asleep mid-bite -the chicken nugget was still in his mouth- by the time I got the camera out it had fallen out.
Gavin is developing the cutest personality. He is SO happy and feels SOOO big now he's walking, he loves to show off for everyone. He is getting more confident and is starting to try and run. He loves playing chase. He can now sign "dog" and say "hot."