We had a pretty scary experience when Gavin decided to come two weeks early -and SUPER fast.
Because I tested positive for Strep-B and wasn't able to get the antibiotics before labor Gavin had to have an IV in his tinny little arm. Broke my heart.
Two days later the pediatrician explained to us why she decided to run some blood tests on Gavin because he showed some physical features of down syndrome. -But told us not to worry about it because he only had two signs.
The poor little guy had to go under the bili lights for his jaundice.
We got to take him home! Home sweet Home :)
Grandpa Gardner came to visit!
At a week old I had to take Gavin to the doc to get the strep-b results and ended up having to go to the hospital because he was looking too yellow. And ended up having to put him under the lights at home for two days. -NOT fun.
Gavin rolls over!! That's my boy :) so proud.
The blood test results came back positive for down syndrome. Not the easiest thing to hear. Needless to say I cried -not because I was disappointed or sad, I just keep thinking of the struggles my baby is going to have throughout his life. It's going to be the hardest thing, but I I'm up for it all.
The whole experience made me realize how much love and support my family has for Nathan and I. I truly am blessed.
Grandma Gardner came to visit! And even took me shopping :) it was a nice break.
We had to take two different trips into Primary Childrens to examine Gavin's heart. A lot of people with downs have heart problems too.
The first trip came with good news. The EKG showed no problems. (we're still waiting on the results from the ECHO)
We we're referred to a geneticist who was also at Primary Childrens. It was pretty stressful having to go into salt lake three different times, a lot of different appointments and other things to remember. But good news followed this appointment too. The doctor said he has good muscle tone. Its common for downs babies to have low muscle tone so I was happy to know that his was good. She didn't have any other concerns and said we didn't need to schedule a follow up.
We had the DDI Vantage program come and evaluate Gavin. It was yet another thing going on -piled on my plate, but it ended up being a good thing. Its good to know that there is a program that can help Gavin as he begins to learn and develop and provide extra help if he needs it.
Now its Christmas! The best time of the year. I love the spirit of Christmas and all the happiness and love it brings. Having a new baby, I think about Mary and her giving birth in those circumstances, and it humbles me. I'm reminded that Jesus Christ went through experiences such as being born in a grungy old manger in order to succor his people. I know that having a child with a disability isn't going to be easy, but I also know that I have a Savior who is going to be with me every step of the way.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!